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How to get fund value of sbi life insurance

SBI Life Insurance is one of the leading life insurance providers in India, offering a range of insurance products to cater to the diverse needs of its customers. One of the key aspects of life insurance policies is the fund value, which determines the growth and performance of your investment.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of obtaining the fund value of your SBI Life Insurance policy. Whether you are a new policyholder or have held the policy for some time, understanding your fund value is crucial in making informed financial decisions.

Understanding the Fund Value

Before delving into the process of obtaining the fund value, let’s first grasp the concept of what fund value entails.

Fund value, also known as the surrender value or the account value, is the current value of your investment in the policy’s chosen fund(s).

This value reflects the performance of the investment over time, considering factors such as market fluctuations and the fund’s performance.

Differentiating between Traditional and Unit-Linked Insurance Plans

SBI Life Insurance offers both traditional plans and unit-linked insurance plans (ULIPs). Understanding the type of policy you hold is vital, as the process of obtaining the fund value differs for each:

Traditional Plans: In traditional plans, the fund value is not applicable, as the returns are not linked to market performance. Instead, these policies offer a guaranteed maturity benefit or bonus, which is predetermined at the time of purchase.

Unit-Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs): ULIPs are investment-linked insurance plans that allow policyholders to invest in various funds like equity, debt, or balanced funds. The fund value in ULIPs fluctuates based on the performance of the chosen funds.

Importance of sbi life insurance

In an unpredictable world fraught with uncertainties, having a robust financial safety net is paramount. SBI Life Insurance emerges as a key player in this realm, offering policyholders more than just protection—it provides a comprehensive shield against life’s unpredictable twists and turns. Let’s delve into the vital importance of SBI Life Insurance and why it should be a cornerstone of your financial planning.

Financial Security for Loved Ones:

SBI Life Insurance ensures that your loved ones are financially protected in the event of your untimely demise. The death benefit provided by the policy can ease the financial burden on your family, covering immediate expenses and providing a sense of security for the future.

Wealth Accumulation and Growth:

Beyond protection, SBI Life Insurance policies often come with investment components, allowing policyholders to accumulate wealth over time. The investment options provided by these policies enable individuals to grow their money, making it a prudent choice for long-term financial goals.

Tax Benefits:

SBI Life Insurance doesn’t just safeguard your family; it also offers attractive tax benefits. Premiums paid towards life insurance policies are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, providing a dual advantage of protection and tax savings.

Loan against Policy:

SBI Life Insurance policies often come with the option to avail loans against the policy’s cash value. This feature can be instrumental during times of financial need, offering a readily available source of funds without liquidating other assets.

Peace of Mind and Mental Well-being:

Knowing that you have a robust life insurance plan in place provides peace of mind. It allows you to live life without the constant worry of what might happen to your family if unforeseen circumstances were to arise. This mental well-being is invaluable and contributes to an enhanced quality of life.

Long-Term Financial Planning:

SBI Life Insurance is a critical component of long-term financial planning. It provides a structured approach to building a financial foundation for the future, ensuring that your aspirations and those of your dependents are supported, even in your absence.

Estate Planning and Wealth Transfer:

Life insurance acts as a seamless tool for estate planning, facilitating the smooth transfer of wealth to the next generation. It helps in preserving and passing on assets while mitigating potential tax implications.

How to get fund value of sbi life insurance

Logging into the SBI Life Insurance Website

To access your policy’s fund value, you need to log in to the official SBI Life Insurance website. If you don’t already have an account, you can easily create one by following the registration process.

Navigating to the Policy Details Section

Once logged in, navigate to the “Policy Details” section. Here, you can view essential information related to your policy, including the fund value.

Generating the Fund Value Report

Within the “Policy Details” section, you will find an option to generate a fund value report. Click on the relevant link or button to request the report.

Providing Necessary Details

To generate the fund value report, the website will prompt you to enter specific details related to your policy. These details may include your policy number, date of birth, and other security information to ensure the privacy and security of your data.

Understanding the Fund Value Report

Once the fund value report is generated, you will find comprehensive information about your policy’s current fund value. The report may include the following details:

  • Current fund value: The total value of all the funds you have invested in.
  • Fund-wise allocation: The distribution of your investment across different funds, along with their respective values.
  • Premium allocation charges: Any applicable charges deducted from your premium before investing in the funds.
  • Policy performance: A summary of the policy’s performance over time.
  • Surrender value: If you wish to discontinue your policy and surrender it before maturity, the report will also display the surrender value – the amount you will receive after surrendering the policy.

Evaluating the Fund Performance

Understanding the fund performance is crucial in assessing the growth of your investment. Analyze how each fund has performed over time and evaluate whether they align with your financial goals and risk tolerance. You may also seek the advice of a financial advisor to make informed decisions about reallocating your investments.

Utilizing the Fund Value

The fund value serves as a crucial metric for making financial decisions related to your policy. Based on the fund value report, you can:

  • Opt for partial withdrawals: If your policy allows, you can make partial withdrawals from the fund value to meet unexpected financial needs.
  • Switch funds: ULIPs offer the flexibility to switch your investments between different funds. If you are dissatisfied with the performance of a particular fund, you can reallocate your investment to other funds that better suit your financial objectives.
  • Pay premiums: In case your policy requires additional premium payments, you can use the fund value to pay them, keeping your policy active.

Regularly Monitoring the Fund Value

It is essential to monitor your policy’s fund value regularly, especially if you hold a ULIP, as the market fluctuations can significantly impact the value of your investment. By staying informed, you can take timely actions to maximize your returns.


In conclusion, the importance of SBI Life Insurance goes beyond mere risk mitigation. It is a strategic investment in your family’s future, a tool for wealth creation, and a source of peace in a world where uncertainties abound. Making SBI Life Insurance an integral part of your financial portfolio is a proactive step towards securing not only your future but also the legacy you leave behind.

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